Invitation to Tender to Conduct an Evaluation


Job Type
Children’s Rights Alliance
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Invitation to Tender to Conduct an Evaluation

Invitation to Tender to Conduct an Evaluation of the Children’s Rights Alliance.

About the Children’s Rights Alliance 

The Children’s Rights Alliance unites over 150 members working together to make Ireland one of the best places in the world to be a child. We change the lives of all children by making sure their rights are respected and protected in our laws, policies and services. We also provide legal information and advice to children, young people and their families through our helpline and legal advice clinics.

The Children’s Rights Alliance was granted its charity status based on ‘relief of poverty’. 

The objectives are to: 

  • Act as a charity for the benefit of children in Ireland regardless of race, religious belief, gender, family status, sexual orientation, disability, social and economic status, membership of the Traveller Community. 
  • Promote awareness of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Ireland. 
  • Disseminate information and views on the implications of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 
  • Provide and assist in the provision of public education on matters relating to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 
  • Support and enhance the teaching of a children’s rights perspective to all relevant professionals and in all relevant subject areas. 
  • Promote the relief of poverty among children in Ireland and to raise funds and to help raise funds for any such relief or for charitable purpose. 
  • Advance the education (including academic, social and physical training) of children within Ireland. 
  • Advance the study of, promote research in, and organise study conferences, courses and seminars relating to, children and their rights within Ireland and throughout the world.

The Children’s Rights Alliance unites over 150 members who work to change the lives of all children and young people in Ireland by making sure their rights are respected and protected in laws, policies, and services. 

You can learn more about the work of the Children’s Rights Alliance Championing Child Rights | About Children's Rights Alliance ( 

Application Details

The closing date for receipt of tenders: Friday, 18 October 2024

Tenders will be accepted by email only. The onus is on the applicant to ensure their tenders have been received on or before this deadline. 

Requests for further information and completed proposals should be marked for the attention of: 

Tanya Ward,

Children’s Rights Alliance,

7 Red Cow Lane,


Dublin 7

Tel: 01 662 9400
