The Wheel Calls for  €445M in Funding to Enable Charities to Survive in 2021

Posted on 24 Sep 2020

The Wheel, the national association of charities, today called on the Government to set aside €445M in Budget 2021 to protect the core health and social services provided by charities, community and voluntary organisations and social enterprises.    

Speaking at the launch of The Wheel’s Pre-Budget Campaign in Dublin, Deirdre Garvey, CEO of The Wheel said that Budget 2021 must prioritise the health and well-being of communities for everyone’s benefit as we move from the immediate crisis response into the medium to long term. Government can do this by ensuring that the organisations providing vital services and supports are adequately resourced through: 

  • Sustainable multi annual funding arrangements for the sector at this time of uncertainty;     
  • Additional COVID-19 support — building on the COVID - 19 Stability Fund for Community and Voluntary, Charity and Social Enterprise — to deal with the projected €445m collapse of fundraised/earned income which will not be made good by the Wage Subsidy Scheme or its successors;  
  • Streamlining and funding for statutory compliance requirements.  

In a recent survey of charities conducted by The Wheel*, 82% of respondents reported they were very concerned about whether there will be sufficient funding to provide services in 2021. In addition to this, 50% of respondents experienced an increase in demand for their services and 65% of respondents reported that COVID-19 restrictions decreased their ability to deliver services.  

Commenting on the pre-budget campaign, Deirdre Garvey said, “Budget 2021 must prioritise an economic recovery that is rooted in community so as to benefit all. In order to do this, it should foreground organisations supporting people by delivering services and supports and in the areas of health and well-being, mental health, disability, social care, education, poverty, homelessness, addiction, supports for the elderly, domestic violence, and so many more. The sector has taken a huge hit to its ability to fundraise and earn income. It requires continued investment for it to survive and stabilise into the future. Our future is likely to contain more difficult times, and the need for services in physical health, mental health, and well-being will only increase.”  

“Government’s very welcome COVID - 19 Stability Fund for Community and Voluntary, Charity and Social Enterprise provided short term supports for the worst-hit charities to cope with urgent cash-flow and liquidity needs. Now we must move towards a long-term economic recovery which is fair and equitable. During COVID-19 we saw that we can only be judged by how we treat society’s most vulnerable. We must now ensure we are investing in the areas that will support recovery through community,” said Deirdre Garvey.  

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Budget 2021 Campaign