Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival

Posted on 3 Sep 2019

Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival

Connecting citizens to the Arts, Human Rights, Climate Justice and Gender Equality


Hosted by Smashing Times and Front Line Defenders

In partnership with Trinity College Dublin, Fighting Words, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and Trócaire

Supported by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Communicating Europe Initiative 2019, Europe for Citizens, Erasmus+


Thursday 19 to Sunday 29 September 2019

Smashing Times and Front Line Defenders are delighted to host the Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival to showcase and highlight the extraordinary work of human rights defenders in Ireland and around the world- past and present- and the role of the arts and artists in promoting human rights today. The Dublin Arts and Human Rights festival will link the arts to civil society, active citizenship and politics through a series of performances, film screenings, music, dance and arts-based workshops, featuring guest speakers and panel discussions celebrating and promoting dignity and respect for all people equally.


The festival runs for eleven days from the 19 to 29 September at a range of venues including the Samuel Beckett Theatre, Science Gallery Dublin and dlr Mill Theatre Dundrum.


Full Festival Programme http://smashingtimes.ie/centrefortheartsandhumanrights/dublinartsandhumanrightsfestival/