Free Suicide Intervention & Prevention Training on behalf of the HSE
Online programmes
Let’s Talk About Suicide is a free online suicide prevention training programme that helps people to develop their skills to keep others safe from suicide. It helps participants to identify people who are at risk, confidently ask about the topic of suicide and connect them with resources that can help them stay safe. This online training can be accessed at the following link:
Face-to-face programmes
Understanding Self-harm
The Understanding Self-harm workshop provides opportunities to improved knowledge, awareness and understanding of self-harming behaviour. Participants consider how personal attitudes and experiences might affect their helping role with a person who self-harms. It aims to clarify what self-harm is, what leads people to engage in the behaviour and considers its relationship with suicide. The causes, reasons behind the behaviour, and the functions are discussed. Positive approaches to engaging with and caring for someone who self-harms are presented. Active participation is encouraged.
safeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone) is an internationally recognised half-day training programme that prepares participants to recognise and engage with people who may be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them to suicide first aid resources. Most people with thoughts of suicide don't truly want to die, but are struggling with the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they invite help to stay alive. safeTALK-trained helpers can recognise these invitations for help and take action by supporting people to connect with life-saving resources, supports and services.
ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day skills building workshop in suicide first aid. Participants are trained to reduce the immediate risk of a suicide and increase the support for a person at risk. The workshop provides opportunities to learn what a person at risk may need from others in order to keep safe and get more help. Those taking part in the training will feel challenged and safe, work interactively with others in small groups, learn a suicide first aid model that provides a framework for skills practice and experience powerful audio visuals.
You can find out more about all these trainings at the following link:
To register to attend any of these training sessions please visit