If History is Written by the Winners who will the Future Be Written By? You Can’t Change the Future with the Past, but you can Change the Past with the Future. Free Zoom Webinar, 27 Aug

Posted on 20 Aug 2024

Most people have heard the saying that history is written by the winners.

Or that history is mostly His Story not Her Story.

The second sentence can therefore be seen as an example of the first sentence!

The stories that we are told and tell ourselves and others frame and fashion our experiences, beliefs, and actions inside all of our relationships.

History is a series of stories of what happened, what we think happened, why we think it happened, and what we perceive the truth of that story to be.

Stories then become facts and facts become dogmas and dogmas meet other dogmas and so a new story of our story versus their story emerges.

Usually one story wins out over another through some kind of “victory”.

So the winning story becomes the truth.

The more a story is told then the more it becomes the accepted truth.

Thus history repeats itself and historians repeat each other!

And if you don’t accept the dominant and winning story then you are regarded as being an outsider or even “heretic” and must be dealt with as such to include being put to death if needs be.

Yet the word Heresy literally means – choice. 

And thinking for oneself.

What greater crime can there be than that?  Exercising the choice to think for oneself and decide what one believes as a result.

How do things become the way they are?

There are always stories that seek to explain this and sometimes many vastly different stories that can cause us to come together into a shared reality and future or divide us and keep us locked in the past and in conflict.

In this free Zoom Webinar we shall be looking at the power of stories and how they can help build and sustain relationships both now and into the future.  Or how they can keep us imprisoned in the jails of identity, dogma, difference, and conflict.

There is no future in the past.

We can only get to the future from the present.

However, the past can play an important part in the future if we learn from the stories and the lessons it can teach us and carry forward the best of it to meet the best of what we haven’t yet been or done.

We have eyes in the front of our head not the back for a reason! 

This Webinar is part of an ongoing series to do with Building Sustainable Relationships and Resolving Conflict. 

All are welcome and hopefully it will be an interesting and revealing experience together with some light bulb moments along the way.

Facilitator: Tony Kearney

Tony grew up in New Zealand where he trained as a solicitor. He then worked as a solicitor in London for over 20 years before moving to Ireland in 2006 to further his work around building sustainable relationships into the future. This includes planting a forest on the farm where he now lives and acting as a Mediator in workplace, community, schools, family, and commercial disputes. He also runs training and other events and is the author of five books.

To register for this Webinar or find out more email Tony at: tony.kearney6@gmail.com