International Citizens for Local Perspectives
The European project IC4LoP (International Citizens for Local Perspectives) began in early 2019. For two years, national actors in the fields of youth and volunteering (France Volontaires in France, Comhlámh in Ireland, CESIE in Italy and Zavod Voluntariat in Slovenia), will implement an action plan to promote citizen participation and the fight against social exclusion by linking newly arrived young migrants with young people who have volunteered in the Global South. This project supports a bottom-up approach to integration based on the transformative potential of volunteering experiences and on the migration experiences of young people arriving into Europe.
IC4LoP will create the opportunity to forge positive links between the experiences of these two categories of young people living together today in Europe. It will promote innovative actions and good practices by:
- Creating an online map of integration initiatives across the 4 countries, which welcome the involvement of members of the public;
- Developing training resources and courses to support organisations and individuals who wish to upskill on how to develop and deliver global justice action projects;
- Supporting young migrants and international volunteers to come together to collectively create action projects on themes they are passionate about.
Benefits for participant organisations:
- Increased networks/visibility through inclusion on the map, with the potential to engage new participants and/or volunteers;
- Peer support and sharing of resources with other organisations from across the EU;
- Participation in a 4-day European Training of Trainers course (taking place in Sicily, Feb 2020, with costs covered);
- Access to a national two-day Training of Trainers course (one each in France, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia);
- Seed funding to support start-up costs for action projects.