QQI Cert in Training & Development - 12 weeks, flexible learning

Posted on 22 Jan 2020

The course is aimed at qualified practitioners who wish to pursue a career as a trainer. The Certificate in Training & Development course (level 6)  is aimed at individuals already involved in designing and delivering training as part of a project; and team leaders, supervisors and managers required to plan, deliver and/or evaluate training in their workplace.

This nationally recognised course, validated by QQI, is delivered through blended learning with a mixture of 5 classroom workshops and some online supports. The assessment is by written assignment and by a video of a presentation which will be conducted by each student after close consultation and guidance from your tutor.

Workshop information:

Location: TURAS Training, Unit C1 Bluebell Business Centre, Old Naas Road, D12 KP22

Tel: 01-4505396.

Module 1: Friday, 7th and 20th February, 2020.

Module 2: Friday, 13th and 20th and 27th March, 2020.

Workshop time: 9am - 4pm


Qualification: The course is certified by QQI as a Level 6 Special Purpose Award (20 credits).

Cost:  €699 (payable in instalments)


Please contact me at the OTC for further details or apply online.

Tel: (01) 2990580     Email: cmurray@opentrainingcollege.com

Kind regards,
