Disability Equality Training Online Workshop with Disability Federation Ireland


Price - Member
Price - Non-Member
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Disability Equality Training Online Workshop with Disability Federation Ireland

This training will provide attendees with essential guidance about disability and will address questions and concerns, such as meeting a person for the first time with a disability and how to respond appropriately and engage with a person with a disability. This training session will also look at equality and human rights, myths and misconceptions about disability, communication, and accessibility.

Upon completion of the training programme, attendees will be able to: 

  • Understand legislation in Ireland in relation to disability
  • Understand what a disability is and the different types of disabilities
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the barriers, both environmental and attitudinal, experienced by disabled people and identify ways in which these barriers may be overcome
  • Understand the lived experience disabled people
  • Demonstrate an understanding of inclusive language and communication principles
  • Understand the principles of Reasonable Accommodation
  • Demonstrate knowledge of supports you can implement for people with disabilities. 

Disability Federation Ireland's ethos involves designing the disability equality training with disabled individuals and partnering with professional trainers with the lived experience. This means that individuals with lived experiences of disability play a pivotal role in both the creation and facilitation of our training. Employing their many years of experience, our team have created an enjoyable, informative and challenging workshop for delegates to attend. 

Leveraging experiences of the experts offers an innovative method to reframe the learners thinking on disability that generates long lasting impact. The training is interactive, with quizzes, breakout discussions, live polls, case studies, individual and group reflection points.  

This Co-Created Disability Equality training is CPD accredited training, recognised by the CPD Certification Service in Ireland.

How to register
  • You can book places for yourself and/or colleagues by clicking the button below.  
  • This event will take place on Zoom.  
  • Closed Captions can be enabled by participants.   
  • Please email matthew@wheel.ie if you have any special requirements. 

Book Here

Meet Your Facilitator:

Pierce Richardson Headshot

Pierce Richardson has extensive private sector sales and management experience. This combined with many years working in training and disability employment ensures a comprehensive understanding of disability in the workplace. Pierce has worked with household brands, multinationals, and public bodies on disability inclusion in the workplace. He is both a CPD Accredited and QQI Certified Trainer. Pierce also conducts accessibility audits of premises, facilities and services. Pierce is very passionate about what he does. Pierce is a member of IITD (Irish Institute of Training and Development) and CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development). 

Brought to you by:

NTF sponsored
Who should attend

This is a fantastic opportunity if you are interested in disability and inclusion, and is suitable for employers, management, HR professionals, community and voluntary groups.